An Easy Approach to Prep for Spring!

Mar 5, 2024

Spring is coming to central North Carolina! What does that mean? That the outside world will awaken with a fresh coat of Mother Nature’s paint. Here in the Fayetteville area, the switch will be quick as chilly temperatures move out and warm days burst in with fresh blooms. Now is the time to map out your plan for preparing your home for the coming season. And, if you start checking off tasks now, you’ll be able to enjoy those sunny days as soon as they arrive.


Not sure how to approach this task? Spell it out!


S is for Spring Cleaning, starting by tackling the dust and clutter that accumulates throughout the winter. Open those windows wide and let fresh air flow through while dusting flat surfaces, ceiling fans, picture frames, and decor. Bring a bin, room-by-room, to collect orphaned items ready to be returned to their homes. In the land of the pines, pollen is a significant issue throughout the spring so plan on repeating this wipe-down throughout the season.


P is for Protection, whether from pests or emergencies. Spring awakens both buds and critters. Be ready by safeguarding your home from ants, spiders, and other creepy crawlers by sealing any cracks in your home’s exterior. Cover exterior exhaust exits to discourage birds from building nests and blocking the vents. Spring is also a terrific time to update your emergency kit! Spring often brings severe weather to our area, which can be inconvenient if you're not prepared. Make sure you are ready with flashlights, fresh batteries, a first-aid kit, bottled water, and other essentials. Don’t forget to create and share an emergency plan with all those living in your home!


R is for Readying your HVAC as it will soon be hard at work keeping your home cool. At a minimum, replace air filters to promote efficiency. Even better? Schedule a professional maintenance check before those hot summer months arrive (and appointments become scarce!). North Carolina’s spring can quickly transition from pleasant to downright hot–make sure your HVAC system is ready to handle the heat!


I is for Inside, as spring removes the need for heavy throw blankets and piles of coats. Switch to lighter, brighter options and tuck that winter wear back into storage. Revitalize your interior by adding pillow covers with fun colors and swap out thick curtains for sheer. Bring nature inside with the addition of indoor plants that are both beautiful and helpful in purifying the air.  Now is also a great time to wash all window dressings, a common collector of allergens.


N is for Nature as lawns are cleared of branches and debris that accumulated on those cold, windy days. Hiring a lawn care company? Ask your neighbors who they use and engage them early as many client lists fill up quickly! Clear dead foliage and weeds to make way for new growth. If this is your first season with your current garden, test the soil to see if there is a need for supplements. Check the local nursery as new plants arrive and select those that will work best in your home’s sun-to-shade ratio. Don’t be afraid to buy big! Simply purchasing the next plant size up can give your garden a head start to a beautiful season.


G is for Gutters and a quick inspection. Winter is a tough time for gutters as they are collectors of twigs and leaves which then prevent them from functioning come spring. To ensure your home’s foundation and landscaping are being protected from water damage, inspect gutters, and remove debris. Spring showers tend to be heavy in North Carolina, so clean gutters are essential!


Preparing your home for spring in North Carolina is about more than just maintenance; it’s about embracing the new season with enthusiasm! Make each of your home’s spaces, inside and out, welcoming and comfortable for the new season. Start early to ensure plenty of time to spend a gorgeous afternoon in a rocking chair while enjoying some sweet tea!


A&G Residential has the perfect floorplan for those considering relocating this spring! With quality craftsmanship, quaint neighborhoods, and a variety of price points, we have the perfect new home for your lifestyle.


Ready to start fresh for spring? Contact A&G Residential today!


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